Using Our Hearts and Our Hands

As anyone who loves nature understands, everything is connected.

We at the Golden Garden care deeply about building community because we know that no one of us thrives alone. Our success and well-being as people is all together or not at all. As gardeners, we know that receiving only happens after, and because of, much nurturing and love. Therefore, as we are supported by our customers and neighbors, we choose to support in turn.

Here are some of the organizations, projects, and events we believe in and support both through partnership and with our time.

Community Involvement Partners

Long Beach Community Compost

We’ve been partnering with LBCC for the last year, using our garden space to educate people how they can donate their food scraps, volunteer, and learn more about the process. Bags of finished compost are available for pickup in our garden where the compost made by the community is given back to the community for use in their gardening lives. We believe strongly in this highly beneficial and natural improvement of the health of our plants and community. Heal the soil, heal our soul.

Black Thumb Farm

We’ve been building a relationship with Black Thumb Farm since 2020, working with Alexys Romo to encourage the next generation of plant lovers, gardeners, and farmers in urban LA. Combining our passion for art in the garden, we led a plant shadow chasing art class with the students, and witnessed for ourselves the magic happening at this farm. We’ve also been fortunate to have Alexys lead a class in our garden as well, and look forward to more learning and exploration together, and helping young farmers blossom and lead the way to a healthy food revolution.

Long Beach Polytechnic High School Garden Club

The Garden Club at Polytechnic High is something special in our city, led by Poly HS teacher Indira, this club is leading the way to reconnecting students with nature. In a densely urban environment, this kind of awareness and encouragement can be a game changer, and we have seen Indira’s influence helping these students to bloom and grow. We were proud to host a table at their spring festival event and look forward to helping these bright young gardeners continue their plant education.